Word! Thalassotherapy is the therapeutic use of the ocean, marine plants and sea mud. The practice of thalassotherapy has been used for thousands of years, since the Greeks began to proclaim its benefits. The thought (which is now scientifically proven) behind this practice is that repeated exposure to sea air, immersion in warm sea water and treating the skin and body with ocean-based ingredients help to return the body to a natural chemical balance, restoring youthful vitality and vigor.
Ingredients that are ocean-based that are used in thalassotherapy include sea salt, mud, algae, sea kelp and seaweed. Some of these can be used directly on the skin, such as mud or a seaweed wrap. You can also soak in a sea salt bath. Others, like sea kelp are purified and powdered and then added as an essential ingredient into skin care products. Each of these ingredients can also be used in addition to other ingredients in skin care products, such as including sea salt and powdered seaweed into a body scrub formula.
Benefits of using ocean-based ingredients include detoxified skin, smoother skin, more even skin tone, as well ascell-regeneration benefits that boost collagen and help smooth away fine lines and wrinkles.
You don’t have to go to a specialized thalassotherapy spa to experience these benefits. Besides, there are no true thalassotherapy spas in the United States – most are located in Europe and Africa. Instead, look for products that contain sea-based ingredients or simply use a scoop of sea salt in a bath or use a Dead Sea mud masque on your face or all over your body. Using products with sea-based minerals just once a week can help improve your skin. You can reap the benefits of these mineral-rich ingredients and be on your way to looking and feeling better.
Our Mud Bay Goat Milk and Complexion soaps have some of these wonderful ingredients in them.
Remember, the FDA has not evaluated the above statements. The information presented here is for educational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
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